about us

Ceylon Trading LLC, with roots originating in Sri Lanka is a privately owned trading business engaged in the import of Pól Arrack, old reserve – premium arrack and similar spirits. It also has other product lines such as Pol Rá coconut aminos, vinegar and syrup, and the Tu Té brand of Ceylon Tea. The company also exports industrial marking products and accessories.

We are based in Houston, Texas and seek business partners across the USA.


The pristine ambrosia-like qualities of Sri Lanka’s unique coconut arrack can be traced back many centuries, finding mention in early literature – “liquor drawn from the coconut flower”. Sri Lankan coconut arrack is undeniably one of the purest naturally derived alcoholic beverages in the world, distilled through a natural fermentation process.

This toddy when fresh, has a high sugar content, but yeasts and microscopic vegetable organisms soon find their way into it, act on the sugar present and produces alcohol. This process of converting the sugar into alcohol is called fermentation. After a minute filtration process, this liquor is poured into massive casks made from wood of the halmilla tree (scientific name: berrya cordifolia) and carefully transported to our factories for distillation. The process of distillation involves two stages; continuous distillation (patent still distillation) and pot distillation. This distillation process is usually completed within 24 hours. The purified spirit comes out with the distinctive flavour of arrack. The contents of the wooden vats are mixed diligently every fortnight for better aeration and to increase contact with the wood.

The initial step in the process of making coconut arrack is toddy tapping, an age-old vocation which is passed down from father to son. Toddy tapping is as much an intricate art as it is a science. Toddy tappers manually extract the toddy from coconut trees, which are coupled and girdled by skillfully rappelling from tree to tree. Coconut sap or toddy is obtained by tapping the unopened coconut flower for its nectar. Thereafter the toddy is collected in earthenware pots.

Pól arrack – arrack is a unique and authentic distilled spirits product, the only one-of-a-kind product in the usa made from naturally fermenting sap of the coconut flower. It has been around for centuries at least discovered by the early explorers to the east. The European colonists since the 1600s enjoyed the distinct flavor and exploited the product. Ceylon Trading LLC are the sole importers of the following to the USA.